Saturday, July 5, 2014

Sherri Shepherd backs out of Donor Egg agreement

This is so horrible, I can't stand it.

From TMZ, Sherri Shepherd is backing out of a surrogate arrangement with an egg donor because the "child is not  her  own."  She filed for divorce in New Jersey  b/c they do not recognize surrogate agreements. 

This is going to set  back the donor and surrogate cause for years.  Who can participate in the infertility and  donor process without realizing:  YES THIS IS YOUR CHILD?

I do not have any positive thoughts for or about her in this situation. She's a horrible mother.  

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

5 Years Old

The twins turn 5 years old in one week.  That is crazy.

Their super cousin is over 2 years old.

How could have it be any different than it is?  These are our perfect children.  This is  our perfect family.  I love that all three of our children look alike.  I love that  my daughter is exactly like me.  I love that they know everything that has happened and it's "just how it happened for us."

The nice thing about this being an anonymous blog is that I can be openly judgmental.  Adoption and DE are not for everyone.  If you have issues of needing a genetic connection to your children, don't adopt and don't use donor gametes.  If you do not have time or the emotional insight for adoption or DE, do NOT do it.  We have people in our lives who should not have taken the path they took.  They have done their children no favors.

But if you have love and openness and know that space is  waiting to be filled by a child or children, then we highly recommend this path.

We check back in occasionally just to say there is not an atom of regret for us in our choices.  I hope it works out as  well for you.