In any case, what would any of them wish for--not to be born? No. They were brought into this world in deep love and that is how I hope they remember their mother.
In other quite big news, our friend is (finally) starting to move forward with our embryo donation to her. I hope that by this time next year she will have a child and our own children will have a new "special cousin" on the other coast.
I don't know what will happen with the remaining embryos after that. I actually believe that there will be one or two more "special cousins" that will be part of our extended family.
What have you all done with your extra embryos? Who else has donated them or decided not to?
Good to see a post from you!
Yes, when I heard the news about Elizabeth Edwards, my first thought was to her children. My husband is over 20 years older than me so the possibility of him dying while my son is still young is a big one. Of course, we hope that doesn't happen and it's not something I think about everyday, but it has certainly been more on my mind lately.
It's also one of the reasons we want to have sibling for TK and if we have any leftover embryos when we complete our family, I would definitely think about donating them. I want TK to have ties to as many others in the world as possible.
I'm so glad to hear the embryo donation is progressing nicely for you! Please keep up us updated!
I didn't have any left over embryos, but my plan was to always donate - and keep in touch with them if possible.
Good for you!
I love that you are donating your "extras", what a lovely thing. My clinic was very discouraging, and they certainly don't have a program in place. But as it turns out, my "womb-o-death" has killed off all but two, and we'll be trying one last time next month. So at least I don't have to worry about surplus embies!
Good to hear from you -
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